SoCal Tackle Tips
Cleaning Tips


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Experience is the best teacher...

On this page I'll include some of my tips and tricks I've learned while doing my hobby. Where appropriate, I'll include steps or pictures to help clarify my explanations.

Please feel free to contribute your own tips - I'll post the best ones so everyone can see them.

Editor's Cleaning Tips

From the Editor:

I tend to value my rods and reels, and at todays prices who wants to buy new equipment every other year. I have found two methods for cleaning your rods and reels after a heavy day of saltwater use.

Method 1:
For same day cleaning. If possible when you get home, go out to the front or backyard and mix 2 caps full of Zip liquid car wax (white bottle with a turtle on it) in a bucket of cold water. Then lightly spray down your rods and reels with the cold water out of your hose (light pressure on the hose - you don't need to power blast them), then with a soft sponge (car sponge) begin to slightly rub down the rods, eyes, handles etc. then the same thing on the reels. Then lightly let the water from the hose rinse of the suds. Then swing the rods as if youre casting to get most of the water off and spin or crank your reels to remove the excess water. Grab a soft absorbent towel and dry. I have used this method for ten years and never have had any problems with corrosion. The "Zip Wax" has cleaners in the liquid that dissolve salt build up and the light coat of wax makes the rods and reels a little more resistant to the elements the next time.

Method 2:
For those times when you can't wash down your rods and reels the same day, I have had good luck with a somewhat new product on the market. I would suggest that you get an old spray bottle (old empty Windex or Armor all bottle works well) and mix in about 2 ozs of "Salt-X" into the bottle. I have used Salt-X for about 3 years now and it really does break down the salt. I spray my rods and reels down and let it soak for about a minute or so and then follow the same steps in method 1 to rinse and clean the salt off. Salt-X works good and I have had no problems with it.

One reminder, I do an annual breakdown of all my reels yearly to make sure they are clean and lube inside and out. Just incase some water or material got inside of the reel. That is the main thing to remember when using any type of cleaner or water on your equipment. December and January are always a good time over the holidays to get out in the garage and do the maintenance (reel lube, drag check, line change etc.).

Product Links:


For Salt Removal


For Rust Removal


For General Cleaning


Reel Lube